Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Church First Lady With Unladylike Past

Lady Jasmine
By Victoria Christopher Murray

Touchtone. 400 pp. $15 (paperback)

Reviewed by Karen QuiƱones Miller

Well, she finally did it.

Jasmine Cox Larson Bush is finally first lady of City of Lights of Riverside Church in Harlem, a position she has coveted since marrying Hosea Bush, son of the church's founding pastor.

The position may be only temporary - just until her father-in-law recovers from a gunshot wound received in a drive-by shooting - but Jasmine intends to make the most of her time as first lady.

But then she gets an anonymous note: Get your husband to step down from the pulpit, or else everyone will know what you did in the summer of 1983.

For those who've read Victoria Christopher Murray's earlier books about nefarious but lovable Jasmine - Temptation, A Sin and a Shame, and Too Little Too Late - you know that Jasmine has a bit of trouble telling the truth.

For instance, she conveniently forgot to tell hubby that she carried on an adulterous affair before their marriage with her best friend's husband. Or that she had been married before. Or her true age. Or even her real shoe size.

Lying comes easily to Jasmine, but somehow her lies always seem to come to the surface. Even the most damaging of all - that while Hosea was courting her, she became embroiled in an affair with a married man and passed off his child as Hosea's.

Somehow, she's managed to maintain her marriage, thanks largely to her husband's seemingly unending ability to forgive and forget. Unfortunately, her lies have been revealed not only to her husband but also to the church members. And the one thing that the good members of City of Lights enjoy almost as much as praising the Lord is gossiping about Jasmine and her exploits.

Jasmine is sure it's one of those members who has sent her the anonymous note threatening to reveal her exploits of the summer of '83.

But which one? Pastor Wyatt, who's upset that her husband was promoted to interim head pastor over him? Sister Whittington, who's never forgiven her for trying to seduce the Rev. Bush before switching her attention to Hosea? Ivy, a childhood friend of Hosea's who is back on the scene and has made it clear she wants him for herself? Or Jerome Viceroy, a city councilman who wants to purchase part of the church's property?

Jasmine has to find out, because this is the one secret she knows can never be forgiven. And what the blackmailer doesn't count on is coming across a woman who is a master at playing games and ruining those played by others.

Jasmine doesn't disappoint, though as she goes about rooting out the various secrets and scandals of the people she suspects of being the blackmailer, she finds herself not only unraveling their pasts but also coming close to inadvertently revealing her own.

And all this while trying to support her husband, who is struggling to maintain his place in the pulpit against well-intentioned church members who think he's not ready to step into his father's shoes.

Murray, an Essence best-selling author, does a wonderful job of weaving a plot full of twists and turns that will leave the reader both rooting for Jasmine and hoping she finally gets her comeuppance.

There's something about Jasmine that anyone in a relationship can relate to. No matter how honest we are with our mates, there are some things that we simply believe are better left unmentioned, whether it's weight, dress size, or past relationships. It's just that Jasmine's secrets are so scandalous, and so many!

It should be said that for all her evil ways, Jasmine has a relentless faith in God, promising that if God will get her out of this mess, she'll never tell a lie or hide another secret. Of course, she's made this promise before, but we want to believe Jasmine because it's so evident that she honestly believes herself.

Lady Jasmine is without doubt a page-turner. Its one real flaw is that the climax is just not as climactic as the reader might hope. Still, the journey is not only worth taking, it shouldn't be missed.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Inner Peace

Broken Women . .. . . . . . . . . Put on some soothing music. Keep it soft and gentle. Take a few deep breaths, holding each one for a few seconds and then slowly exhaling. Relax. Feel the chair you're sitting on, your feet on the floor. Smell the scents in the room. Imagine Jesus coming toward you with a smile on his face. Tell him how you are feeling right now …sad, heartbroken , hurt, lost, confused, ashamed, trapped, oppressed, depressed, lonely, anxious, unfocused, abandoned, tormented, hopeless.(yes....First Ladies can feel/ have these emotions). . Tell him exactly what things are like for you today even if your pain is deep. Open and pour out your heart to him. Feel his presence very close to you. Let his love fill your heart and soul. Thank him in advance for rescuing you out of your darkness, because that is what’s going to happen! He cares. HE...is your defense. Let go & let GOD work it all out for you.

Additional Resources:
Broken Women Outreach

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Peace Like A River

For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river,

This post was supposed to be put on my blog site..."Jael's Seed", but for some reason, I'm posting it here, thinking when I started that I was actually posting on the other blog site......... although I had one intention, the Lord had another and he knows who needs what...So here goes.....

Our Womens Group: Jael's Seed meets every Thursday evening in my home, it's a very intimate, diverse group of women with one similar goal, and that is to take our destinies into our own hands, by any means necessary, as it obtains to the Word of God. Just like Jael in Judges 4:21, we have decided to put a whooping on the enemy with a "tent Peg" and a "hammer" ("the Word" and "prayer").

The Lord shared with us that he has ordained peace for us (Isaiah 26:12)....it is his desire that we live in peace, that our habitations, (where we live), be filled with peace, and that our dwellings be sure (Isaiah 32:18).

We are living in a time when chaos is coming from every direction, and if we are not careful to be mindful of what the Word says, and what God is saying to us through his Word, then we are likely to be standing on shaky ground, unsure of what we can have......... and that's Peace,The Peace of God that passes all understanding.

You can be facing dire situations......... many people are being laid off because of downsizing due to this world's economy, but yet, you can rest and be at peace, knowing that you don't operate in this world's system. We operate on/in a Kingdom system: where tithing and offerings secure our wealth. We can rest assured knowing that our father has our has back, and when one door closes, there is another waiting for us to step into it.

Your marriage may be on the rocks, you children may be acting as if they have never heard of Jesus, and church attendance may be down, but God wants you to know that he will extend peace to you like a river (Isaiah 66:12). Just as a river is ever flowing, so shall your peace be: NO MATTER WHAT!

Draw on these scriptures....Remind yourself and God what has been said about you, as far as peace is concerned:

Psalm 29:11

Psalm 85:8

Psalm 122:7

Isaiah 26:3

John 14:27

Jeremiah 29:11

These are just a few of the scriptures we can draw upon on peace; meditating on them day and night will ensure peace in your minds, that will generate into ever fiber of your being, eventually spilling and flowing out of you like a river.


Lady V

Monday, December 7, 2009


It's Monday morning, and before my feet could hit the floor, I was bombarded with many things, people, and concerns from the outside world. As I lay pondering on my day, and how I had planned it go (although my plans had now been changed), I could hear that still small voice from within say:
"Just Breathe"

Breathing causes you to focus, meditate, and remember what's important and what can wait, most importantly, it reminds me of the one who gave me breathe and the life that I live in him.
Inhale: "He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken"
(Ps. 62:2)
Exhale:"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest"
(Mathew 11:28)

aaaaahhhhh...now that's better: Think I'll continue this with various affirmations and promises throughout my day.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The PRAYING First Lady

My husband is the Head of the Ministry and if the enemy can get him off course, then so goes the rest of us ie: lay-members, children ,elders, and last but not least: ME.

Prayer is V-I-T-A-L to the success of a ministry and to the health and well-being of the Pastor. As First Ladies one of our primary goals is interceding for our spouses. No-one should spend more time praying for him than you. Intercessory prayer at the church is good, and needed, but I'm talking about some "face-down" prayer in your own special prayer time specifically for HIM.

I believe that along with your personal prayer list for others , you should also have a prayer list, designed for the individual needs of your spouse/husband. God has designed for you to be a help-meet for him. We are DESIGNED to meet his needs in every way, and in so doing, offer help as needed.

Our spouses are God's design, he knows him...inside and out, and so should you. We are equipped with discernment and wisdom to go to the throne room on their behalf's, cutting the enemy off at the pass, covering him with the Blood of Jesus and our effectual, and fervent prayers.

For years, I didn't understand how to effectively pray for my Man Of God. I let things that I saw in him, drive me to criticizing him and questioning his call.....Ridiculous!

Ladies...We must recognize the enemy, and drive him away with our prayers and confessions.
make praying for your Man of God TOP PRIORITY.....and watch God move Mightily in your ministry.

(side note) : if you are at odds and unsure of how to effectively pray for your Pastor, try praying the WORD...it always works, and will never return void..Put it out There!!

This prayer can be personalized by saying his name instead of the word pastor.

Praying For Pastors

Ps 31:23..........Father, I thank You that our pastors are faithful,
Ps 31:23..........and that You preserve them.
Prov 28:20........That they abound with blessings,
Gal 6:9.............and do not grow weary in well doing.
Phil 1:6.............That You who began a good work in them will perfect it.
Eph 2:10...........They are Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus,
Heb 13:21.........and equipped in every good thing to do Your will.
Heb 13:21..........Work in them that which is well-pleasing in Your sight.
2Cor 9:8............Let all grace abound toward them, having sufficiency in all things,
2Cor 9:8...........and an abundance for every good work.
2Cor 9:6...........Because they have sowed bountifully, they will reap bountifully,
1Cor 3:6...........and whether they plant or water, Father, You give the increase.
2Cor 2:14..........I pray that they continually triumph in Christ,
2Cor 2:14..........diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
Deut 28:2..........That all blessings come upon them and overtake them,
Deut 28:2..........because they obey the voice of their God.
Ps 32:8.............Instruct them and teach them in the way they should go;
1Cor 2:10..........reveal the deeper things of God to them by Your Spirit.
2Tim 2:21..........Let them be vessels of honor, sanctified and useful for the Master,
2Tim 2:21..........prepared for every good work.
1Pet 5:2...........Shepherding the flock willingly, eagerly, and being an example to them.
1Cor 2:4...........Their speech and preaching is in demonstration of the Spirit and power.
2Tim 4:2...........And they are instant in season and out of season to preach the Word.
Josh 1:3............Every place the soles of their feet tread upon has been given to them.
Deut 31:6..........They are strong and of good courage for You, Lord, go with them.
Ps 27:14...........They wait on You, and You strengthen them in their heart.
Titus 1:5............Help them set in order things that are lacking,
Titus 1:5............and appoint elders in every city.
2Cor 10:4...........I tear down the strongholds over the pulpit.
Ex 17:11............I lift up our pastors and cover them
Heb 12:24..........with the blood of Jesus.
Deut 28.............Sickness and disease shall in no way come near them,
Gal 3:13............for they are redeemed from the curse of the law.
Isa 54:17...........I say that no weapon formed against them will prosper,
Isa 54:17...........and every tongue rising against them shall be shown to be in the wrong.
Cor 12:11..........Father, let the gifts and anointings on their lives come forth.
Luke 1:45..........Birth the things that You have spoken to them in their hearts,
Acts 6:4............as they continually give themselves to prayer
Acts 6:4............and the ministry of the Word.

Many Blessings,
Lady V

Additional Resources:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This is my first attempt at blogging from the point of VIEW as a "First Lady"...and as the First Lady of our ministry....I have a lot to blog about. Why Blog?!....I have a lot to say...not the need to be heard...but many thoughts, perceptions and insights on the day to day in and outs of the POSITION of being a First Lady. To start...I have been searching for quite some time now for a venue of FL(First Ladies)... with some of my characteristics, failures, challenges....need for improvement{which takes some serious soul searching}...but to no avail. I have however come across a few networks of Established FL's networks, and social clubs, and although very informational and often-times entertaining...I REALLY couldn't much re-late.

Not that I couldn't identify with these women and some of their particular struggles and triumphs, BUT.....we just didn't seem to be on the same level at this particular time.....See at this particular time....our ministry is still in infancy stage...yet growing and being established and i was in desperate need of connecting with FL"s who could RE-LATE with my RIGHT NOW!

Through much Prayer, Fasting, and continual communing with the Holy Spirit....it is my prayer that through this blog, other FL's of like faith, strengths, challenges and the like will find this blog, both informational,and inspiring.

I endeavor to create the social network, that I have soooooo been desiring, and in so doing create a strong base of sisterhood with FL's that are willing to go that extra mile as I am for my ministry.

Re-Focusing the Lens in which I currently view my life, ministry, and work is the primary focus of this Blog....refocusing to make my life..ministry...and all that is before me BETTER is the Ultimate GOAL....In Jesus' Name...and the church say AMEN!