Tuesday, June 24, 2014

You Cannot Do It All

My thoughts for today... I cannot do it all, and neither can you... The sooner you realize this the better off you will be.. Learn to micro-manage...It is ok to allow someone else to handle things, even if it's for a little while. Wise leaders learn to delegate...Delegation is key. It is not healthy for you to be over every auxiliary in the church. It is however, mandatory that you raise up ministers and leaders in the church to be over different ministries and auxiliary's. Free yourself on today from the guilt and stress of having to do it all. Free yourself from other people's expectations of you..., church members, other leaders,etc, will always have their expectations of you, they will be eager to tell you their version of what a First Lady should be... Let me encourage you....Be You!...do not try to be what others think you should be... Do not let their molds define you! If you can't sing, then do not try to lead praise and worship, just because people feel that First Ladies should be able to sing... If you know you're not a good baker, then do not feel the pressure to bake cakes and bring them to the women's meetings... If Hospitality is not your strong suit, then don't let others strong arm you into taking that particular ministry on... Simply put..Do You!..You'll know what that is, it is what comes easy and natural to you...Contrary to popular belief, there are many First Lady's that hold the reigns from the background, lifting up their Men of God, being that shoulder for him to lean on, and being his constant in areas that only they can do.... So there you have it, my thoughts for today...Free Yourself First Lady, do what your Pastor needs for you to do...Pray for Him, the ministry, members, leaders, etc... Find your niche and park it there...Be confident in what you are bringing to the table, even if that table is hidden in the background....God sees and so does your Man of God... Be Blessed... Lady V www.savvywomanminisries.org Be Savvy. Get Smart

Friday, December 28, 2012


Been away for awhile, but purposing to blog more in 2013, trying to figure out how to get these lines off the page.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Time Wont Give Me Time

As I sit and think about Time, and how it seems to be getting away from me, the 80's song by "Culture Club" (I wasn't saved in the 80"s) keeps ringing in my head...."Time won't give me Time", now although the lyrics of that song go on to say nothing that has anything to do with my topic, those few words say it all. Time will not give you more Time. With this revelation in mind, it has occured to me that although Time wont give me Time, I most certainly can. I can Choose to maximize the time that God has given me in each day and fulfill my call and purposes therewith. See, I as probably you, am experiencing what I feel is a race against the clock, and to be totally honest with myself, as should you, it is unnecssary and undue pressure to complete things that I could have done long ago. The ability to accomplish them is not an issue and neither is "the will" to do them, my dilemma comes in time management. My schedule is so hectic; I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, First Lady, mentor, author and friend. Each one of these hats require a piece of me on a daily basis and some times there does not seem to be enough time in my day to fulfill all of my responsibilities. But!, here lately, I am hearing the Lord say to prioritize my time, putting first things first, and in so doing that, I will need to put myself on a schedule. I can hear someone saying, "well that may work for you, but that would not work for me. You don't know what I have to deal with daily, these people could care less about my schedule."Oh, but I do! I get it, I am living it right now, and it it to my own hurt. I have learned the hard way, that you have to make people R-E-S-P-E-C-T your time. If you do not demand respect for your own life, including your time allowance then others will not as well. I have decided, that's right...I HAVE DECIDED!, to let God's work be the motivating force behind my daily scheduling, everything else will and must take a backseat. Now, this may sound harsh to family and friends, who are use to calling you first thing in the morning with their own agendas, but so be it. In love, I have decided to make a very public and private announcement is some cases, that my time is no longer mine, but it will be totally directed and orchestrated from now on by the Holy Spirit, and with that being said, I will lay out the new time-line, as the Spirit leads, that I will be available. See, as a Leader in my church, and an Author now by trade, I can not allow my time to get away from me. I have got to be dogmatic about my Kingdom Work, and work my Kingdom Businesses.This new-found revelation has also come with a strict schedule that I will force myself to adhere to. Truth be told, if you took inventory of your time and what has control of it the most, most of you would come to the conclusion, that you too could benefit from allowing the Holy Spirit to motivate you to a schedule. Enough is Enough...I am taking back my stuff, going after everything stolen from me, my church, my children,and my marriage....Everything will be returned 100 fold, but not until I can regulate my time and do the Necessities that should be done daily to retrieve all!! With all of THAT being said, I will end this post as I statred it: "Time won't give me Time"...but thanks be unto God that he is a redeemer of time, and in all the time that I have wasted through mis-management, I will indelibly retrieve all and then some! through my new Spirit inspired Daily Schedule! Let me leave you with this scripture: " I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me"-(Phillipians 4:13) Quote it, Confess it, Believe it, and Receive it...and when it is said, believed and received, we still have a responsibilty in the matter...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I also have to put myself in position to do the "ALL Things"...this will take Time Management...set your schedule and get into position to be Mightily used of God. God"s Continued and Manifested Blessings upon You and Yours, Lady V

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Diamond In The Rough

Stop with the questions already...Just endure the Process...

(Just a quick post on the pressure you have been feeling)

The Master chisels, polishes, cuts away the weight, and shapes the diamond the way we know the diamonds to look after the process, once it is ready to be admired and sold (used). A diamond takes years and years from the moment its born in the earth to the moment The Master has it already to be used for his glorious purpose, for the world to see.

The processing of a Diamond includes:

**Development under Extreme Heat and Pressure..."EX....TREME"

**Crushing-(you feel like you are being smothered, hard to breathe, consticted)

**Seperating-(You feel alone, you are unable to connect, there is distance between you and everyone else)

**Greasing- (You are being anointed with the oil of God)

**Cutting-(Final step, but very painful, right before you are ready to be called a "Diamond", after all the other painful processes
, there is one last cutof The Master's knife"-*painful, but necessary*

When it is all said and done you will come shining through as the diamond you were created to be!!

One last word...ENDURE!!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Down Low Pastor?!"

I have a sister-girl, who is a First Lady, we recently had a conversation that went like this:

Her: "I think my husband may be struggling with his sexuality, I'm getting strange vibes and I'm uncomfortable with some of his associates."

Me: (Because I know this couple well, and have suspected this (Down-Low) for a while, but wanted the Lord to reveal it to her), my answer was as follows: Well Lady Cindy (name changed),I was always told, if you want to know who your children are..."CHECK THEIR FRIENDS", and this will show you who they are. In this mindset, if you want to know who your husband is, check his friends, now this can be done in more than one way, but what I suggest, in this world of social media, is to check his FaceBook friends AND Pictures. If the majority of his friends LOOK GAY, then I think you have reason to be concerned. We pick and choose our facebook friends just as we do in real life friends, and last time I checked a straight husband is not TRYING to be associated with a bunch of Gay looking men, unless, in your husbands case,being a pastor he is laying hands on them and casting out that Demon!"

Her: So do you think my husband is gay? Because I was just thinking he is metro-sexual and struggling with his identity.

Me: "Honey, metro sexual is the polite way of saying gay."

After some tears and much prayer, I shared some other things to look for in a metro, struggling with his identity, sweet, man: HERE GOES:

1.Flashiness, loud, flourescent, odd color combinations-(straight men just don't do all that)-think Gay Beautician and you will get the visual-

2. His mannerisms-If your husband looks like he is about to do 2 snaps and a twirl, when he is talking..."Then Houston, we have a problem!"

3. A lot of smacking and lip popping and tooting of the lips when he talks....unt-uh-straight men don't do THAT!

4.Excessive pampering-Now I'm all for "clean-cut" men, I think it's attractive and a way of showing excellence-BUT!..there is a thin line between routine "manly maintenance" and the "metro-sexual" maintenance, they take it to another level-a feminine one.

Now for those who read this and say, who made her the expert?, I will answer that...NOONE, but I have been privy to many a gay man in my former, pre-saved life, they were the best people to shop with and they kept my hair Sharp, my best beautician was gay, so I do know a little about a little about the tendencies of gay-down low men. AND...this was just a conversation with my sister girl, but if you or someone you know can take something from it...then please do, and if not then that's ok too!

Hey, it's all about Kingdom!, and not only was this First Lady concerned about her immediate family, but her church family as well, their church is quickly filling up with gay men, and her absolute concern is for their well-being and delivereance, but as we well know..."Baal can't cast out Baal" -(Matthew 12)...Her husband/pastor can't be a help to these men if he himself is struggling with the same spirit...

Well...we know the problem, now...The Solution:

In this lady's case, she had no prior knowledge of gay tendencies or struggling behavior with her husband before marriage or before his salvation,.. BUT!..if you know that your husband use to be gay, or use to struggle with his sexuality before salvation,... then here is my advice: "The bible says that we are our husbands help-meet, and this incurs an occassional pulling of the coat-tail. My husband and I keep each other in check and in line, because we genuinely love each other and are concerned about each other's spiritual well being, if either of us see something getting out of line, then we have made a pact to address it IN LOVE (key point).

The last thing you want to do is go accusing your husband in a demeaning way, you do, however, want to go to him, in love and wisdom, and say,..for example: "Honey, I love you, and I would like to talk to you about some concerns that I'm having, I'm noticing, this, this, and this, and I'm bringing this to your attention, because I know that this is an area that you use to struggle in, advise him, that you are not accusing him of anything, but the bible says that we should shun the very appearance of evil, and this is looking pretty out of order/evil right now.....Prayerfully this will open up a discussion and prayer will ensue, and all will be well, after some altering of behaviors.

Now, in Cindy's case, she is flabbergasted, this is one manly-man (at least in her eyes), they have several children, he is a great provider, and their sex life is good, so she is really struggling with this, she can't see how this can be, NOT HER HUSBAND-

I counsel her on spirits, and the very nature of the down low brother, the reason he is called down low is because it is on the DOWN LOW, she is not suppose to suspect anything, everything about their life is supposed to look picture perfect, that's part of the facade...adoring husband, affectionate always in public, lovely children..the whole nine, and all the time he is thinking about "him" or "them"...God Forbid!...but it happens..

Side Note:We should never take glory in the fact that we know someone is down low, or struggling with their sexual identity, the bible clearly tells us to bear the infirmities of the weak. This person may sincerely want out of this lifestyle, it's up to us to intercede on their behalf's. There are also those that know and like full well what they are doing, well we should pray for them too, pray for deliverance in Jesus Name, because either way, a life or lives hang in the balance.

Praying much for this seducing spirit that is creeping rampantly through the Body of Christ, and I hope you are as well!

Be Blessed
Lady V

Thursday, March 10, 2011

V.E.N.U.S. Ministries

Venus Ministries....New Website Coming Soon..........