Friday, December 28, 2012


Been away for awhile, but purposing to blog more in 2013, trying to figure out how to get these lines off the page.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Time Wont Give Me Time

As I sit and think about Time, and how it seems to be getting away from me, the 80's song by "Culture Club" (I wasn't saved in the 80"s) keeps ringing in my head...."Time won't give me Time", now although the lyrics of that song go on to say nothing that has anything to do with my topic, those few words say it all. Time will not give you more Time. With this revelation in mind, it has occured to me that although Time wont give me Time, I most certainly can. I can Choose to maximize the time that God has given me in each day and fulfill my call and purposes therewith. See, I as probably you, am experiencing what I feel is a race against the clock, and to be totally honest with myself, as should you, it is unnecssary and undue pressure to complete things that I could have done long ago. The ability to accomplish them is not an issue and neither is "the will" to do them, my dilemma comes in time management. My schedule is so hectic; I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, First Lady, mentor, author and friend. Each one of these hats require a piece of me on a daily basis and some times there does not seem to be enough time in my day to fulfill all of my responsibilities. But!, here lately, I am hearing the Lord say to prioritize my time, putting first things first, and in so doing that, I will need to put myself on a schedule. I can hear someone saying, "well that may work for you, but that would not work for me. You don't know what I have to deal with daily, these people could care less about my schedule."Oh, but I do! I get it, I am living it right now, and it it to my own hurt. I have learned the hard way, that you have to make people R-E-S-P-E-C-T your time. If you do not demand respect for your own life, including your time allowance then others will not as well. I have decided, that's right...I HAVE DECIDED!, to let God's work be the motivating force behind my daily scheduling, everything else will and must take a backseat. Now, this may sound harsh to family and friends, who are use to calling you first thing in the morning with their own agendas, but so be it. In love, I have decided to make a very public and private announcement is some cases, that my time is no longer mine, but it will be totally directed and orchestrated from now on by the Holy Spirit, and with that being said, I will lay out the new time-line, as the Spirit leads, that I will be available. See, as a Leader in my church, and an Author now by trade, I can not allow my time to get away from me. I have got to be dogmatic about my Kingdom Work, and work my Kingdom Businesses.This new-found revelation has also come with a strict schedule that I will force myself to adhere to. Truth be told, if you took inventory of your time and what has control of it the most, most of you would come to the conclusion, that you too could benefit from allowing the Holy Spirit to motivate you to a schedule. Enough is Enough...I am taking back my stuff, going after everything stolen from me, my church, my children,and my marriage....Everything will be returned 100 fold, but not until I can regulate my time and do the Necessities that should be done daily to retrieve all!! With all of THAT being said, I will end this post as I statred it: "Time won't give me Time"...but thanks be unto God that he is a redeemer of time, and in all the time that I have wasted through mis-management, I will indelibly retrieve all and then some! through my new Spirit inspired Daily Schedule! Let me leave you with this scripture: " I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me"-(Phillipians 4:13) Quote it, Confess it, Believe it, and Receive it...and when it is said, believed and received, we still have a responsibilty in the matter...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I also have to put myself in position to do the "ALL Things"...this will take Time Management...set your schedule and get into position to be Mightily used of God. God"s Continued and Manifested Blessings upon You and Yours, Lady V