Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Diamond In The Rough

Stop with the questions already...Just endure the Process...

(Just a quick post on the pressure you have been feeling)

The Master chisels, polishes, cuts away the weight, and shapes the diamond the way we know the diamonds to look after the process, once it is ready to be admired and sold (used). A diamond takes years and years from the moment its born in the earth to the moment The Master has it already to be used for his glorious purpose, for the world to see.

The processing of a Diamond includes:

**Development under Extreme Heat and Pressure..."EX....TREME"

**Crushing-(you feel like you are being smothered, hard to breathe, consticted)

**Seperating-(You feel alone, you are unable to connect, there is distance between you and everyone else)

**Greasing- (You are being anointed with the oil of God)

**Cutting-(Final step, but very painful, right before you are ready to be called a "Diamond", after all the other painful processes
, there is one last cutof The Master's knife"-*painful, but necessary*

When it is all said and done you will come shining through as the diamond you were created to be!!

One last word...ENDURE!!!!